Health & Wellness

Support for when you need it

Healthy, happy students

We are committed to ensuring that our international students have access to comprehensive health and wellness support throughout their educational journey.

International Student Insurance Plans
Commonly used to find entire homes, rooms, and shared accommodations for short-term & long-term rentals that suit every budget.
Mental Health
Access counselling services through Edison College. We provide our students access to a counsellor, please ask at the front desk for more information.

Healthcare Services

Soon after your arrival, it is important to locate nearby hospitals, clinics, and dental services.

Emergency Contacts

Keep a list of local emergency numbers, including local hospitals and police.

Police/Firefighter/Ambulance number: 911
Suicide Crisis Helpline: 988

Your journey is just a click away

Take the first step towards an exciting and fulfilling career.

We’re here to answer all your questions and help you explore the possibilities that await you.

Take the first step towards an exciting and fulfilling career with Edison College